Monday, August 1, 2011

Pocket Full of Sunshine.

I leave things in my pockets like a chipmonk leaves things in it's cheeks. Sometimes if I am lucky it is a $20 dollar bill that Grandma slipped me six months ago while no one was looking that I totally forgot about. Yesterday it was some dried goldenrod flowers from last summer's garden with a little bit of beach sand. Upon finding thess neglected treasures, I was immediately reminded that I miss having a garden, eating from a garden, and eating salad!... the kind of salad that is still warm from sunshine!
So in this post I am slipping you all some pics from the Bard Community Garden that I visited this summer while hanging out with my dear friend, Lilah. Let's just say, the photos have been in the pockets of my computer for over a month now and I think it is time to share them.

What could possibly be more important that feeding yourself and other's delicious food?

A Lilah creation: heart shaped crostini
with herbal white beans, monchego, beet greens

the gem herself: Lilah

salad with cucumbers

garden booty: purslane, nasturium, wood sorrel, beet greens, chamomile

breakfast with blueberries from the garden

A taste of cucumber salad)
2 cucumbers, sliced thin!
salt, pepper, sesame oil, black sesame seeds
apple cider vinegar
chili pepper

amounts are totally up to you! mix. marinate. forget about it. and then eat it. I trust you to make it yours!
